Logbook entry

Echo of a nightmare - Part 3

30 Aug 2022Aceiss
Current Date: 3308, August, 17th 09:08
Researcher: James Laundry
Access Level: 3
“ – Fuck… another night terror. I have to get to the bottom of this! Jen saw him again. Last night Luuk heard strange sounds coming from the storage building and the lab. He followed up last night, but he came out empty handed. He’s checking the surveillance systems and access logs. I’m with Amara and Whip, we’re collecting samples from the perimeters where Lis was seen. I swear if this is some shit joke made by Whip or Chad, I’m gonna blow a gasket!”
“ – After like 7 hours of testing we have an answer. Human DNA, altered beyond recognition. The modifications are not synthetic, they seem to be genomic DNA forced to violently and irregularly change; not under nuclear of bio-hazardous conditions. It’s something else… I’ve never seen this kind of freak mutation in my life. Right now, I’m riding with Whip and Luuk towards Lises grave in the desert. Clarissa determined that the human DNA identified is at least 73% identical to Lis; the outcome scares the shit out of me. We’re reaching the site in 4 minutes and this is the first time I hope I’ll see a grave in the same condition we’ve left it 3 days ago.”
“ – The grave is dug out and it doesn’t seem to be a joke. The way it’s dug seems to be like something came out of it. What the fuck?! Luuk just dropped a bomb on us. Last night the credentials of an employee were used to access the loading bay, the lab, the storage building and tried to access the power plant; the employee was Lis. He had his credentials with him, I guess Karl didn’t see it as an urgent matter to wipe them out. He had grade 2 access so that’s why the power plant was just an attempt, but still… Is he alive? No, it can’t be! He was ripped to shreds and was buried in the desert for 3 days, no suit, no blood, no nothing. We’re heading back to [REDACTED] full throttle!”
Current Date: 3308, August, 18th 22:01
Researcher: James Laundry
Access Level: 3
“ – The last 24 hours were a mess. Full settlement sweeps, new security protocols made by Luuk, new access granted and encrypted by Karl, inventory of every biological and synthetical thing we have. The we found it, more like I found it. The biological samples we recovered from Brez, they were from ‘Heart of Taurus’, and one of them was leaking somehow… Without a crack or nook and cranny, it was leaking or fizzing out something. I think my heart stopped the moment I saw the ‘Salvation’ laser engraving on the internal vials; ‘Salvation – Sample No.: [REDACTED] Protocol: [REDACTED] Inventory Index: [REDACTED]’. Yeah… I can’t imagine what kind of sick shit they were doing there, right under the Empire’s, Federation and Alliance noses. Clarissa couldn’t make a full ID of what’s in the vial, but she said: human DNA, human splicing genome, attaching additive, microbial counter-base, rugged RNA strands, thargoid harvested DNA sequences, thargoid splicing receptors, mutagenic enhancer for thargoid based RNA, recombined reactive thargoid-to-human DNA mutagenic enhancer, cell stabilizer, stem cell reactivation sequences.”
“ – It’s been several hours in the analysis chamber now, Clarissa can’t even identify the subbase of the pathogen; it keeps changing to viral, bacterial, microbial. It’s ruptures and recovers either as airborne, waterborne, cutaneous infectivity. It’s a full-on horror show, and we have reports of perimeter surveillance spotting glimpses of Lis and even other people reporting seeing him outside windows or trying doors from places that are not populated. Just what is he trying to do? How is he still alive, if he’s alive, and how is he doing what he’s doing? Is it a ghost-memory; something that he used to do or is the thing outside trying to make us join him? Karl has demanded that all of the settlement personnel and visitors will do a full battery of tests tomorrow. I have a dark feeling…”
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