Logbook entry

Bored of retirement

15 Feb 2024PenguinBystandah
It's been so long since I wrote in this fucking thing. My old logbook is gone, has been for years, probably got used as toilet paper or something.

Retirement from the black has been good for me. It allowed me to pursue other interests for a couple years. I got to relax greatly. Fuck, I even got to sleep without worrying about every little thing my former group was doing right or wrong.

As great as it was, for a lot of us, retirement is temporary. For a lot of us, space calls out to us to come back. And like a lot of other dumb CMDRs, I listened.

As of today, I decided to get back in the saddle and get back out there. Why? Because as much as some of us might or might not admit, we like the life and miss it, even when we think we don't.

As for what I'll be doing, there's a couple options I see:

1. Help ATC get back to it's former glory (or at least keep it on top of this sector)

2. Exploration and/or another trip to the second bubble (the name escapes me right now)

3. Get involved with this goid war and whack some aliens.

After I shake the rust off of my retirement, I'll figure out what to do in good time.
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