Logbook entry

Carriers, Creds, and Goids

20 Mar 2024PenguinBystandah
I finally have my very own fleet carrier. After weeks of hustling, grinding, and saving creds from my brief dabbling into exobiology among other jobs, I was able to achieve one of my goals upon coming out of retirement. I named it The Iceberg; seems appropriate since my other ship names are those of various penguin breeds. After having the carrier for about a week, I can't believe that at one point, I thought I couldn't find a practical use for one. I'm very glad to know that I was wrong on that one. No matter how much I'm going to need to make to maintain it, the cost for having my own mobile base is well worth it, let me tell you that right now.

In addition to spending the standard 5 bil on the carrier itself, I had also spent some more creds on outfitting it with the standard RRR three piece combo; you know, Refuel, Repair, and Rearm. I have plans to add more in the future, but having those three services open will work pretty well for now. I also spent a good chunk of my bank balance on tritium, both for the fuel tank and keeping some in reserve for emergencies. Of course, doing all of this will be meaningless if I can't afford to keep the carrier going, which means more creds will be needed.

Good thing for me that there's a xeno war going on right now. In addition to defending humanity from aliens hell-bent on killing us or worse, just about every aspect of this war pays pretty well. That was all I needed to hear. After I finished transferring all of my ships, modules, and other gear that I have been keeping in Dalgarno Ring to The Iceberg, I left Saisiyat with the feeling that I won't be back for probably a good long time. Seeing that my previous system for hunting Goids, Vogulu, was devastasted and overrun, I decided to head towards the cluster of space that the Thargoid Titan Leigong was occupying. I did my part there shooting down various scouts and interceptors with the aid of my newest ship, the Galapagos III, a heavily modified Krait Mk2 for AX fighting. It certainly proved itself in that regard. As soon as I find out which Titan is the next to be targeted, I'll head there and help humanity some more.
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