Logbook entry

My Time in The Thargoid War Thus Far

18 Apr 2024PenguinBystandah
Another short break from the fighting to make an update in this log of mine. Make no mistake about it, I've been busy these last few weeks. I've brought down more Scouts and Orthrus Interceptors, which means more creds in the case of the latter especially. For some reason, the Pilots Federation really wants those Orthos to go down; don't know why, but as long as they're willing to shell out 40 mil per dead Ortho, who am I to question that? I've made more money in these last couple months fighting Thargoids than in the few years I spent flying around with Artemis Corp, so I'll continue to enjoy free agency and blast the goids away. In my time at Thargoid Spire sites, I've been thrown the occasional offer to join a squadron, but of course, I declined. Free agency is great and I don't have any plans to go with any group anytime soon, although that might change should the right group and circumstances line up.

I've also gotten much better at ship combat, thanks to fighting Cyclops Interceptors. I have shot down more of them since whacking my first one almost a month ago and am currently working my way up to taking out a Basilisk solo. That one is a tough fight, let me tell you. Much faster than the clops and more stout, they require some different tactics to bring down. Still, they can be hurt and my time for killing one will come.

As I write this, I just got back from making my first ever Titan bombing run on Titan Oya. What is that, you ask? Titan Bombing is pretty much self explanatory; you take a ship set up for the task (in my case, a modified Krait mk2), fly to the Titan maelstrom while dodging and/or evading various goid interdiction attempts, enter the caustic maelstrom, use a Thargoid Pulse Neutralizer to keep from getting ejected from the maelstrom by the huge energy field that the Titan emits once it senses you getting closer, make your way to the center of the caustic cloud, approach the Titan ship itself, target and hit as many of the vents on top with the Nanite Torp Launcher as possible, race to the underside of the Titan and await the core to deploy to cool off, hit the core with as many AX missiles as possible until the core is retracted, then race due south of the Titan to avoid getting caught in the personal huge energy field that will surely ruin your day if it hits you. After the field shuts off, make your way back to the top of the Titan and repeat. Oh, and there's also this step to follow: avoid the many, many Thargoid ships surrounding the Titan before, during, and after the bombing run.

Seems like a lot, but with a few hundred AX CMDRs hitting the core, Oya will fall before the week is out, just like Taranis and Leigong before it did. These Thargoids might think they can take us out, but I'm pretty sure there is a point they can't or don't understand: we humans are too stupid to die, a smart species would have given up a long time ago.
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