Logbook entry

Thargoid War Update, Personal and Public

25 Apr 2024PenguinBystandah
Two quick updates, both public and personal.

It's definitely been a busy week for the war and all involved. The third titan, Oya, is officially dead. I made sure to get my hits in before it went up in a caustic kaboom. Sadly, I missed out on hitting Taranis and Leigong due to other issues, but I sure as shit wasn't going to miss out on hitting Oya or the others. Three down, five to go.

On my personal front, I finally brought down a basilisk interceptor. Over the last week, I made numerous attempts and kept trying out various ship and weapon combos, but my persistence paid off yesterday when I finally killed one. It was a tough 15-17 minutes, I'll admit. If I wasn't considered an AX fighter before, I sure as shit am one now.
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