Logbook entry

CMDR's Log, Stardate 3307.6-6 [002 - Hauler Upgrades]

07 Jun 2021Zeton
No sooner do I finish waxing poetic about my first starship, Vingilot [Sidewinder] then it's time for an upgrade. The Mysteries of deep space call my name. Where does this pathway lead me? What is just beyond the boarders of our maps? I hope to discover, or at the very least make and attempt. To help me achieve this goal I have purchased a Hauler and tuned it, as best I can, with explorer outfitting.

My current plan is to pick a direction and just fly out for as long as the urge takes me.... See some sights, make some money, hopefully avoid too much trouble.

The black calls me back,
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︎0 Shiny!
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