Logbook entry

CMDR's Log, Stardate 3307.6-5 [001 - Journey Begins on Starship Vingilot]

06 Jun 2021Zeton
Today I begin my life between the stars. Passed the Pilots Federations License Exam and have my own Sidewinder to keep my heading in the endless sea.

I christen my vessel Vingilot! A grand name for a ship I will likely not remain in long... but it is an important ship none the less for it is my first. Like the phoenix the name will rise again; indeed like Beren and Luthien, the sires of Eärendil, who died and lived another life so too will the ship name be reborn and rise to greatness. For Vingilot is the miraculous white ship of the sky mariner Eärendil who defeated Ancalagon the Black in the War of Wrath to defeat Morgoth and save the free peoples of Middle Earth.

I wonder if someday I'll ever be put into songs or tales?

Lets take this baby out to open waters and see what she can do.

The black calls me back,
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︎0 Shiny!
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