Logbook entry

CMDR's Log, Stardate 3307.6-12 [007 - Reevaluating Priorites]

13 Jun 2021Zeton
Disembarked Jeschke Dock, Ipilyak system early this morning after a much needed recovery day. The sonic showers on Jechke Dock were sufficient for cleaning if lacking in comfort. I am not sorry to put this corner of the galaxy behind me, but I do not regret the journey. I have gained some value in scrap and scan data, and a greater bounty in knowledge.

While resting, I have reevaluated my priorities. I need to play to my strengths and not just jump at every cool new financial avenue that flirts with me. Being open to new possibilities is important but being uncritical is a fast path to failure. I think I will get into passenger transport. With this business I can make money flying around the galaxy, do some scans on the way, and some of the VIPs even seek to charter vessels for long distance exploration. This career has my name on it.

I have thus resolved to return to my home system and re-outfit for passenger transport. I have plotted a course back that is indirect, so I can get a few additional system scans and courier jobs on the way home. See you in about 250 to 500 light years...

The black calls me back,
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︎1 Shiny!
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