Logbook entry

01-05-3308 | First logbook entry | Techno-Union & Gaurdian Tech

01 May 2022Woutheut
Techno-Union & Gaurdian Tech
Today, 1st of may 3308, is my first ever logbook entry.
I've been exploring space for a while now, I'd guess about a year. I worked myself up to an Anaconda-class ship. 
It is yet to be christened as it is very bare bones, and still in the same system where I bought it. 
I'm working on my contacts, there are some great engineers out there that can definetly turn this into an amazing ship.

Anaconda Ultimatum
Ever since I purchased the mammoth, I've been thinking about what I want to do with it. I've been doubting between a full on warship, a trading ship or an exploration ship. 
I was trying to plan out a build that'd do a bit of everything, but everyone that actually knew how to build ships thought it was stupid. Naturally I decided to focus on just 1 function.
I think that while writing this, I've decided to focus on combat. I don't feel like exploring too far out yet and I have a great T9 for trade.

In my first few months in space, I soon joined the ranks of a squadron, Techno-Union, or TECU. They were really nice, but I had no clue what to do. After a while I settled in one station for a while, so I left TECU. I rented a small apartment and didn't really do much till 3308. After alot of trading with my old type 7, I bought the Type 9, I started to get the hang of the whole space thing. So I decided to rejoin Techno-Union.
Commander Jack Rocketsman has been nice enough to let me tag along in his carrier, the Noob Taxi, to some weirdly name systems where I could find certain materials and data that I'd need to build a gaurdian FSD booster. I heard it adds 10 LY to my ship's jump range. I'm still not sure how, but I'll soon figure out.

Commanders Log, May 1st, 3308, 21:42
Sent from DX-21E | "Tax Write-Off" - Diamondback Explorer
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