Cmdr Pimp Master
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Logbook entry

The Big Return

23 Aug 2023Pimp Master
Israel Station command staff log to OIC. Our greatest fear has been realized. At 0420 we received a long distance communication. It was visual and audio... the image was static and of a pair of velour chaps ( it was at that moment all reason left my body and fear over took me) also the audio was unmistakable, no doubt, I know that voice dear God in heaven help us. Message as follows: Israel station this is Commander Pimp Master, I have traveled long, traveled hard [ distant voice- that's what she said... yeah thats what he did. You know our Commander is a slut] Please ignore the dwarves and the puss extruding from them as they don't listen to the council and interspecies suggestions. We are short on supplies and aloe, well mainly aloe. We will be docking soon and will be coming in hot... hotter than normal since we are empty on aloe. Please have the dockmaster ready and also I need the station doctor, i seem to have an infection that hurts when I go number 1. Oh and I missed all of you too especially Lt Sara Nudgworthy and well I'm rubbing my velour chaps now thinking how worthy you are Sara!! Commander Pimp Master has been renewed for another season. Let the adventure begin -End transmission

I suggest we lock the station down and when his ship appears fire every weapon we have at that son of a bitch. For the love of all that is holy, we must kill him. Also we need to lock down the velour, aloe, alcohol, cannabis and anything else like glue that could get the dwarves high. Also, I would like to take my vacation and including that I would like to resign.
Lt Sara Nudgworthy
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