Logbook entry

CCC Day 1

02 Dec 2016Kayahr
The Christmas Carriers Convoy has launched! Finally! Lots of Carriers and Tankers gathered in Miami, Escorts did a great job to keep them safe. The whole organization of the event was just awesome. Big thanks to Qohen Leth and Souvarine and all the others involved.

After the mass jump to the first waypoint Souvarine and his escort wings guided us safely out of the bubble and then everyone took his/her own path to the first basecamp (Hillary Depot) 2000 ly away from the bubble. My plan is to burn down at least 1000 ly per day so I should easily reach Hillary Depot tomorrow.

Today I jumped 1200 ly and parked the Sally Sparrow on some icy planet orbiting a large gas giant in a system with three water worlds. They were already discovered by someone but maybe I get my mark on the rest of the system. I hope the more interesting and completely undiscovered systems are popping up in the next days when I'm farther out in the void so I can get my name on some more earth-likes.

So far I'm pretty happy with the outfitting of my ship. It's the first time I fly this far with a carrier configuration. 200 tons of valuable cargo doesn't leave much space for long range equipment. No additional fuel tank, just a class 4 fuel scoop and no AFMU. But it works like a charm thanks to the new route plotter filters the game provides. I simply filter the route for scoopable stars and no longer have to worry about stranding in a brown dwarf system with an empty fuel tank. I barely have to think about fuel at all. Thanks to all the modifications I applied to the ship the heat management is so good now I can scoop at maximum rate while flying around the star towards the next jump target with the temperature barely exceeding the 70% mark.

The ship's condition is still at 100%, cargo hatch still functional, cargo is safe. All good so far. Let's hope it stays that way.

Good night everyone. Seeing you tomorrow at Hillary Depot.

Signing off,
CMDR Kayle Reynolds (Kayahr)
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