Logbook entry

CCC Day 2+3

04 Dec 2016Kayahr
Day 2

The trip to the first basecamp, Hillary Depot, was uneventful. No interesting unexplored systems, no problems, just jumping and chatting on Discord. I reached the basecamp way too early, I guess because I left out the first two optional waypoints. They weren't really on the route so I skipped them. The first optional waypoint, Shapley 1, is so close to the bubble I probably go there someday anyway. And the second optional Waypoint, Cycladia, is more between basecamp 1 and basecamp 2, so no need to go there before Hillary Depot.

At Hillary Depot I sold my exploration data I gathered so far. Earned two millions and raised my reputation with the Colonia Council to cordial.

Safely parked I called it a night.

Day 3

Although Sunday should have been a Meetup day according to the CCC schedule I noticed that most people already departed. So I did the same and set sail for Cycladia, the optional waypoint I skipped last day. A ringed earth-like planet. Beautiful.

Then I got wind of a spontaneous meetup at the "cheesy" planet which was on the route to my next destination Thor's Eye but I wasn't able to get there in time. No idea why it's called a cheesy planet. Yes, it was kind of yellow with green patches on it but honestly I would never eat cheese looking like that. But I landed on it and it looks quite nice.

Next waypoint towards the next basecamp was Thor's Eye. I was there before when I returned from my last trip from Colonia but for some reason I never took any photos. So a good opportunity to fix that.

The blue-white star casts a spectacular light onto the rings of the one and only planet in this system. There is also a black hole in the system but I failed to make any good screenshots of it. Black holes are... well... not really visible.  They distort other light sources which is an amazing effect when seen in motion but hard to capture it in a photo.

The next basecamp, Amundsen Terminal in the Lagoon Nebula, is not far away from Thor's Eye, just 250 lightyears. So I decided to do these last few jumps and then call it a night. The Lagoon Nebula is 4500 lightyears away from Sol. 18000 lightyears remaining before reaching Colonia. Sold some exploration data (Another two million credits), my reputation with the Colonia Council is Friendly now.

The CCC schedule says meetup at Amundsen Terminal is on Friday. So I'm waaay to early again. Like many others of the Convoy. Maybe I wait here 'till Friday or do some exploring in the nebula. Don't know yet.

Good night out there!

Signing off,
CMDR Kayle Reynolds (Kayahr)
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