Logbook entry

CCC Day 16

18 Dec 2016Kayahr
We safely arrived at Sacaqawea Space Port. Just minor damage to the cargo hatch because of overheating (Again charged the FSD to early...) and to the FSD because of super-charging it a few times at Neutron Stars.

This 5000 light years trip was quite lucrative. Earned six million from selling the exploration data, put my name on lots of water worlds and even five earth-likes:

The second earth-like even has a ring! This is the second one I've seen so far and the first one I found on my own:

Another interesting find is Skaude TO-Y D1-57 6, a ringed amonia world. Not sure how rare this is but I've never seen a ringed one before.

So now we have some time to relax in the Skaudai Nebula but not as much time as we had at the last base camp. This evening an official meetup is planned and we try to participate. There is still this damn fine on me which converts to a bounty during the meetup. I hope this doesn't cause problems. The meetup is not at the space port so at least the local police won't annoy me. But maybe it's better to not leave the ship. I only have one SRV and I need it for the next trip and when I'm wanted then it might be too risky to buy a new one at the space port.

Well, at least I should use the time until the meetup to farm Iron and Nickel for SRV repair.

Signing off,
CMDR Kayle Reynolds (Kayahr)
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