Logbook entry


08 Jan 2022Greenthumbs
8th January 3308

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” — Sun Tzu

It's been 3 weeks since I started my service. 3 weeks which feels like a couple of months already. It has been rewarding yet costly at the same time, cashing in Federal bounties from the frontier has its moments but the cost of ship repairs and donating to the fortifications effort can reach deep in to the pockets. The workload alone with the end results are consistent enough to make some what of a difference, but our efforts to expand from the core and connect our highways are constantly being repelled. Everything can change in heart beat due to opposing agents, rival governments and defectors making it almost unbearable. Wether this is due to the vigorous duty and policies that comes with enrollment and living within the Federation or the after effects of the Federal Rebellion that resulted in a dwindling number of active pilots is unclear. Not to mention the old holidays from Earth people still celebrate at the end of every year resulting in several vacations.

I read that Earth was once riddled with pollution due to 'christmas decorations' resulting in an overflow of e-waste and garbage. People would actually pay for decorations to celebrate a day of the year, throw out those decorations and then rebuy the exact same ones for the very next season. I also heard that people back then would celebrate this one day for months at a time, even though this particular day was on the 25th of December, they would prepare their decorations and greetings in early November and some to even start as early as October. Im sure they had their reasons for doing such things back then, but it just seems like pointless habits from the past.

I did however manage to sneak into Sol and swing past Earth for new year's eve. Puffing my Lydae weed and swigging my Indi bourbon, enjoying the light-show from the Pacific region. To see them all go off at once over the earth's surface from just outside the orbital space was unforgettable, reminding me of what it is I am fighting for. The very next day I finally got my Elite pass and an invitation to the Founder's World. A good start to the year after such a rough one had passed.

I remember being on the fence about the new domestic counter-terrorism surveillance policy knowing the drawbacks of an invasion of people's privacy but the benefits of potentially saving lives. Which turned out to be the case with the Jupiter's Wrath incident and the pausing frequent attacks from the NMLA. Somebody once told me you have to be a real piece of shit to get involved with politics, but life in the bubble is consumed by it. I now understand why the Alliance have dedicated themselves to living free, far away from both the Federation and Empire.

Yet for the moment, we are are in a violent race against the Alliance to the expanse. We are both involved in numerous skirmishes and proxy battles fighting for territories on the outside of the bubble to build highways looping to and from the Federal core. Surveillance report's have indicated both the Alliance and Empire (amongst others), have not only funded but participated in many of these uprisings and resistances to undermine our efforts. At the same time, Edmond Mahon is persistently pushing down on the roof of the Federal core while the Empire's fleet are steadily pressing our checkpoints.

Im not even sure if these logs are helping or not but the doctor assigned to me is more then encouraging to the point where it seems she is insisting. It does kill the time and keeps me somewhat sane during the downtime in space. She recommended I should talk about my father and childhood more, then almost immediately had an emergency call which led to cutting our session short. It's good to know somebody actually reads these, even if they were to slip out upon Federation eyes once in a while. After all, they were the ones who assigned me to this programme in the first place.

Duty calls for my earliest day's in the Federal Republic Navy.. Only 3 year's to go.. Back to the frontier for now.
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