Logbook entry


15 Jan 2022Greenthumbs
16th January 3308

Building Bridges.

I have finally earned myself some R&R and managed to rise a few ranks due to my previous reputation including my service and duty over the past month. It's safe to say the efforts of the Federal Republic Navy have resulted in sluggish but seldom victories on all fronts of Federal Space. Allthough our surrounding enemies have been relentless with the Alliance Defence Force pushing down on the roof of our home with Denton Patreus' fleet and Yuri Grom's EG Union instigating from underneath, we remain to keep them on the back foot with only minor expected defeats and loss'. While juggling our defenses in Federal Territories including our expanse efforts being interupted on a weekly basis, we have had more than enough work to deal with and to go around for everyone.

I'm currently on a small vacation, when I say vacation, I mean I signed up to help with the final construction stage of the colonial bridge project. Over 15,000 independent pilots from around the galaxy since last October, contributing to one of humanities greatest achievements in space navigating from the bubble surrounding Sol to 22,000 light years away in the supposed future bubble of Colonia. The communal progress was not only successful but leading supervisors said we had finished our expected deliveries of supplies and materiels ahead of schedule which had earned ourselves a long recess and a bonus. They also speculate that construction of the project won't be finished until later in the month so I figured it's about time I got as far away from the Core Systems as I could.

I sit on the bunk in the hull of my ship, aboard the Plutonium Pearl accompanied by the sound of nothing but the ambience of my vessel and the gentle humming of the megaship. It still doesn't beat a decent bed and a hot meal though. I am in the Lagoon Nebula with one bottle of Indi Bourbon and a quater bag of Lydae Weed left. Now's a good time to indulge more then ever after feeling too exhausted from an entire day of frame shifting and being awoken in a cold sweat. I managed to discover and map a few places on my journey that nobody else had bothered to while on there way through, I happened to just stumble across them while following the Colonia path. It makes you wonder how many places are out there that have been deliberately uncharted by explorers over the years, just another reminder of how vast our galaxy actually is.

Being so far away from home, the nightmares are still here. Today it was the dream of the tentacles wrapped around my ship slowly crushing it from the outside. The day before, it was the one where I was lost somewhere on the dark side of planet under a corroded sweating monolithic pillar far away from any single molecule or sign of human life, feeling abandoned but knowing something was creeping and crawling from the pitch black shadows.

The doctor that was assignend to me was replaced shortly after my last log. This doctor, an ederly man with an eye patch, is very direct and straightforward and seems a lot more experienced then the last doctor in terms of emergencies and field medical deployment. I can tell he's seen some shit. He recommends to replace the void of my father with a new ambition or hobby, to perhaps surpass what my father accomplished during his service in the Navy, to almost forget and replace his legacy. I'm still not sure of what to even make of his legacy, during my service I've met officer's who claimed to have met him. They say he was a hero to some but found his way on the wanted list of major governments and factions through out the Milky Way in his later years. I found out he was considered a traitor by the higher class of Officers and Admirals of the Federal Fleet. During his last days, he apparantly abandoned his post one cycle and took off in search of something he claimed to have needed, for the survival of mankind.

My doctor was in service when my father was, he basically said "He was a man, who did great things but eventually lost his mind to the cosmos, the end." He then suggested the more I keep the man I didn't know out of my conscious, the better. When it comes to losing his mind, could this be the same thing that is happening to me? As time goes on, my memories become more and more bleary while my reality more vivid and my dreams feeling ever so real.

I have never been this far away from Earth for this long before, almost 5000 light-years away. Back home, the Federal Fleet are holding back our opposing enemies while the Thargoids are still present at the outskirts of the core. The threat of Thargoid attacks have become accustom to people living in these regions while people living in the core have become accustom to the threat of one another. From history of the past and recent generations, I am half convinced that when the world as we know it ends, our demise will be our own fault as it was when the 'modern world' ended all those centuries ago. While the other half of me believes the only way to truly save ourselves from ourselves is to unite against a common enemy, it's a matter of not what but when will the Thargoids attempt a full scale invasion.

But if there is one thing I've learnt over the years of my existence, it is that humanity is made up of billions and we have a strong will and way of getting shit done. I've been called back to the core to report and receive new orders for this cycle. I'll head back sometime tomorrow. For now I need to catch up on some sleep while there is much more to still see.
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