Logbook entry


08 Apr 2022Greenthumbs
8th April 3308

This could be my last entry.

What I am about to tell you, I can barely believe myself. I reached Colonia seeking refuge and anything I could discover of my fathers travels through these parts. I was approached by a family awaiting a transport shuttle who had also mistaken me for my father. I asked if they had known anything of where my father might have visted. The child of the small family, a young boy who must of been of the age no older then 9, told me to look for the green planet where there is no star. At this moment I thought the boy must of been quite creative and imaginative living so close to the galaxies core until the boys father told me where to start looking.

I was uncertain if I would ever find this planet until suddenly I was drawn towards a region of the sector that seemed familiar. Then there it was in a system which I believed to be empty, a small planet far from the sun just outside the Colonia region. Crash site found, this must of been it. I dug through the debris and carcass of the aged ship to find almost nothing, until I noticed a dim light underneath the rubble. An old PDA, destroyed but still functioning. I can barely make out the screens layout and wondering if im even holding it propperly but I knew there must be something I can salvage from it. I transfer its unbroken contents to my own PDA then head back to my ship, only to be greeted by an incoming Imperial vessel. I wondered what an Imperialist was doing all the way out here until I realised they must of been there for me and whatever was on that data pad. Two Imperial Guards unboard the ship followed by a young looking lady with silver hair in an officer's VAC suit. Viscount Penelope was her name and what she told me changed everything.

In the year 3301, I defected from the Federal Republic and pledged allegiance to Denton Patreus under his private fleets command. I abandoned my post during the Jera Rebellion ordering my squad to a false AO then allowing rebel forces to take over an Imperial command station which turned the tide in favor of the the resistance. At the same time I stole important classified Imperial propperty and information, leaving me as one of the Empires most wanted. She explained that I fled to Colonia although while in pursuit of my ship, my body was discovered in the Running Man sector with the stolen property missing. How I died and how my body ended up there she admits they still dont know. I was 52 lunar years old at the time.

After my body was recovered they initiated an experimental Lazarus project, cloning my DNA and remains as they believed I was a vital asset to the Empire. They tuned my physical and biological profile making me 20 years younger and altered my facial pattern slighty to avoid facial recognition software. 5 years later I was reborn with suppressed memories and a compliant behaviour. I was to serve the Imperial Fleet but Denton Patreus himself would rather determine my existence for the sole purpose of punishment. I was to be made a slave and an example of for the rest of my new life deep in the mines of a slave colony.

She told me the process cost billions of credits and 5 long years of dedicated scientific work until my incubation and assimilation was complete only to be shipped off to the slave colony leaving the science team and some of the investors behind my rebirth sour towards thier CO's. Eventually, my compliance trigger was faulted and I earned my freedom being reinstated of my Imperial entitlements and accommodations. I was to be made a Duke and married into an Imperial royal family until I was abducted by Federal Operatives and re-assimilated to Federal space while they have been awaiting the chance and opportunity to bring me home ever since.

This was too much to bare at once, I am still not sure if I even believe it. I couldn't breathe or see and my head started to ache. I needed answers. As I was about to ask my first out of a dozen questions until a Federal Assault Ship appeared from the horizon. I needed to get out and far away from that place as possible. I lob an EMP at the feet of the guards then make a run for it to my ship while the assault ship is busy with turret fire from the Imperial courier. I depart quickly and let off a remote explosive I had left behind distracting and dispersing my pursuers while frame shifting to the furthest system my ship can reach. I sit in silence, I shout, I cry. Has everything I believed and experienced to be a lie? Have I even been to Earth? Which memmories are truly my own and what would be the purpose to my existence? Am I even the same man I thought I always was or am I just an altered copy of somebody else's DNA? My soul, my thoughts, ambitions and aspirations, could they be truly mine or implanted by the Empire or just simply an echo from a previous life of nothing but false memories and dreams?

I am in need of more answers, panicked and oblivious on who to ask and where to look. The data pad! I still have the data pad! From what I gathered from the salvaged log entries, there are mentions of a woman living on the Earth's moon station Galileo, a previous marriage I had abandoned with regret. No children or relatives, just me and the stars. There are coordinates of the planet where my ship had crashed and coordinates of large cluster of systems in the Bernard's Loop region. There is no mention of a catalyst or anything else, no journal logs or significant data entries. Only a photo of my apparent ex-wife, Mariah, the 'lunar girl' I have come to know in my dreams.

I decided that if anybody were to have any answers to my questions it would be the Viscount I just nearly blew up or somebody from the Federation involved in my previously mentioned abduction. Either way I am heading to Bernard's Loop to find more then hopefully bait Federal Command with an encrypted signal.
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