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Profits from Prophets, Part 6

09 Jun 2016Michael Wolfe
“Five hundred goddamn credits? That's it?

Illiana turned to face me, her expression as serene as ever. I didn’t normally mind her almost- unshakable calmness, but right now her steady blue-eyed gaze only made me more upset.

“The rewards of spreading the Simguru’s words are measured in currency more profound than mere money. Because of our actions, countless lost minds will be hear the truth of their situations. To bring enlightenment to the masses is the greatest reward a Utopian can reap. So says the simguru.”

I held up the credit chip in front of the simpath’s face and pointed angrily to (Kyndi’s?) Cobra. “Well, that’s real nice for the Sunday sermons- but something tells me that the simguru never had a ship to keep runnin’!”

For the rest of the story, click here!
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