Logbook entry

Announcing a Brand New Novella (With teaser prologue!)

06 Sep 2017Michael Wolfe
Hello, everyone!

As those of you who follow the roleplay boards are aware, our very own Jemine Caesar has been away for quite some time, hunting down the infamous Kat von Steuben. I am pleased to announce that the story of her return to Pegasi will soon be told! Starting tomorrow, the goings-on of Marrakech Morgan, Jemine Caesar, Kat von Steuben, and a few other familiar faces will unfold in a new novella. It has been co-written by all of us, with connected, parallel storylines converging in way that will leave no one unchanged! If you liked The Serpents and the Skulls, then be sure to check out...

Pegasi Autumn!

Without further ado:

The charred and twisted wreckage of the bounty hunters’ vessels drifted in space, leftover arcs of electricity leaping from dying components. The trio of vigilantes within had been competent pilots, seasoned professionals who knew their craft. Now they were part of the void. A shadow moved against the blackness of space, ominous red thrusters illuminating the black, triangular hull of their quarry’s ship. The woman at its controls beheld her victims with neither contempt nor pity, for she herself was a huntress of men. Yet her ultimate nemesis was no man.

Katarina von Steuben was as deadly and beautiful as a stiletto, with raven hair and eyes as dark as the void. Elegant serpent tattoos covered her exposed arms, contrasting against pale skin that only ever saw the light of stars. The men sent after her weren’t the first, nor would they be the last. No matter; it was a price that she gladly paid. Every day that she drew breath was a day nearer her final vengeance; every foiled attempt on her life an act of defiance. She was the last of an extinct clan, the lone survivor of the wrath of monsters. Yet even monsters knew to fear the heroes that hunted them.

The woman would never know peace for as long as she lived. There was no place for her in civilized space, where she had betrayed her past life for the sake of safeguarding the new. So, too, would someone be forever on her trail, greedy eyes in dark corners and ships hot on her wake. And one day, she knew, her skill would fail her.

But today was not that day.

Be sure to stop by tomorrow for the exciting first chapter!
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