Logbook entry

Just When I Thought I Was Out, They Pull Me Back In...

01 Jun 2019Michael Wolfe
Hello, fellow Commanders!

Like many of you, I've enjoyed the universe of Elite Dangerous not only for the games, but for the universe of lore in which we can all immerse ourselves. Also like many of you, I've felt that this lore- so richly supported in the forms of roleplaying guides, Gal-Net, and a series of official and unofficial novels, has been somewhat anemic as of late. Whether this is because the developers are waiting for the new premium content to push the overall plot forward or because storytelling is simply no longer a priority at Frontier I cannot say, but I for one feel that we as a community are due to be thrown a bone!

So I did something about it.

Well, not me. I was the monkey at the typewriter, but the story and inspiration were derived elsewhere. By David Braben for creating the Elite universe. By the Frontier developers of past and present who brought it to life. By Drew Wagar and everyone else who has put pen to parchment, painting with rich hues the landscape- and starfields!- of our commanders' collective imaginations. To every member of the community for whom Elite was another life, and not merely another game.

I am not a professional writer, but I know a dangling story when I see one. Premonition ended with passion and heartbreak, as did the in-game event that so many of us remember. It is an arc that is starving for a conclusion, one that I am unworthy to write myself. But I can feed it a morsel or two of what I and some close friends and I have subsisted upon ourselves: playing and writing our own adventures, blazing our own trail and having a blast on the way!

Thus do we- the lovable troublemakers of Loren's Reapers- present to you our own private continuance of the story that Drew gave us. We present...


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