Logbook entry

The Reaper Diaries: Supernova, Part 6

16 Jan 2016Michael Wolfe
I took another sip of my Old Sol on the rocks and furrowed my eyebrows. Something on that disk had gotten Nova riled up.

“Found what, exactly?”

Nova eyes were still wide open. “Everything! With a bonus.”

Snorting, I swirled my glass and took another drink. “What do you mean ‘everything’?”

My partner just turned back to the tablet and shook her head. “I mean that the entire goddamn Lysenko corporate database was stored in the ship’s logs. Correspondence, financials, projects- everything!

I shrugged. “So- does private chit-chat and spreadsheets normally get you this excited? And what about this bonus?”

Nova made a noise of frustration and turned back to me. “Don’t you see? It's everything that Lysenko has ever done- and what it’s up to right now! And I’ve already started reading ahead- there’s a lot of correspondence between the CEO and the head of their research division. It’s really cryptic, but they seem to be talking about some kind of ‘device’ that will mean ‘the future of the company’.”

Shaking my head, I sat down next to Nova on the pad. “Well, at least the job’s finally starting to make sense. Someone was making off with the motherload of corporate secrets, and Lysenko was trying to get ‘em back. Too bad our contact had to die.”

Nodding, my partner scrolled through more files. “Yeah. A data breach like this is pretty- oh my God!

“What is it?”

She turned to me, horror in her eyes. “That Asp we hijacked- and those two men- you don’t think they were a rescue party, do you?”

Oh shit. Hadn’t thought of that. I thought it over as quickly as I could.

Shaking my head, I put my hand on Nova’s shoulder. “I don’t think so. Standard rescue procedure is to at least try to hail the struck ship first.  They didn’t, if you recall. Instead they just pulled up, broke in with guns at the ready, and walked around like they owned the place.”

Exhaling in relief, her face settled in to a more placid expression, but remained wary.  “But- why send a pair of contractors to pull a load of cargo and data from a derelict ship- and then backstab ‘em?”

Frowning, I considered her question. “I don’t know, darlin’. This job went off the rails the moment that Giles guy changed the rendezvous point to the middle of goddamn deep space instead of his office.”

Nova got up from the cushion and sat down at the table with the tablet. “Yeah, and then it burst into a ball of fiery bullshit when we got jumped by those six Eagles. I was never able to get an ID on any of them. You?”

I shook my head. “No dice. Whoever they are, they were probably with the party that didn’t want Lysenko to get their stuff back.”

Nova’s face twisted into a confused look. “But that doesn’t make any sense, either- why risk destroying the intel if you’re with the party that wants it in the first place?”

Outside the rice paper walls, we could hear the throbbing techno music and the noisy mass of voices below. I took another drink and shook my head. “Honestly darlin’, I have no idea. In fact, you could fill the cargo hold of a T-9 with everything that doesn’t make sense about this job.”

Nova settled into the floor cushion by the desk, staring down at the tablet with a look of almost scholarly determination. “Well, you and that drink can keep each other company. I’m gonna spend the night rootin’ through corporate secrets and try to find out who’s behind all this.”

I chuckled and took another drink. “I appreciate the dedication, but aside from figuring out our next move, don’t you think you’re taking this a bit personal?”

Nova looked up, a bit of anger in her eyes. “I might be able to figure out who busted up the Bluebird, and you’re taking to me about taking it personal?” She shook her head and jerked her thumb towards the dance floor. “Maybe you should spend the night with one of them!

I smirked and held up my hands in a mock gesture of surrender. “Relax, darlin’! I know what she means to you- I just don’t want to see you missing out on any beauty sleep over this.”

At that, my partner simply rolled her eyes. “You’re tellin’ me about beauty sleep when you’re the one running on stims and painkillers? You need some shuteye a hell of a lot worse than I do!”

Can't argue against that one, I thought.

Now that Nova wasn’t hogging the cushion, it was looking pretty inviting. More so since we sprayed it and laid a blanket over the top. I finished my drink in one gulp and smiled.

“Reckon you’re right about that. Don’t stay up too late. You mind passing me some of those earbuds?”

Sighing, Nova leaned over, unzipped the duffle bag, and tossed me some of the noise cancelling devices. As tired as I was, the only way I was falling asleep in a nightclub with music going full blast was if most of that damn techno went bye-bye. I inserted the buds into my ears.


Nova looked up at me, her lips moving. All I could hear was a faint murmur.

Removing one bud, I shot her an apologetic look. “Beg pardon?”

She rolled her eyes again and repeated herself: “I’ll share a pad with you no problem, but how about keeping those jeans on, ok?”

I looked down at my pants, and then back up at her. “What are you worried about, darlin’? I ain’t any less of a gentleman with them off, and it’s more comfortable for me that way.”

Nova shot me a skeptical look and held up a hand with four fingers outstretched. “Four days I’ve known you, partner. Four. Either pants stay on up here, or you can fall asleep down there and take your chances. I’m sure that crowd would love it if you made yourself ‘comfy’ for bed!”

Shaking my head, I took off my socks and shoes. “Happy snooping, then. Have a good night.”

My partner didn’t reply. Instead, I saw her pour herself a drink and hunker down over the table, already ignoring me.

Have it your way, darlin’. I reinserted the earbuds, changing the nightclub noises to a dull, muted thumping. I laid back on the oversize cushion- pants on- and closed my eyes. Sleepiness came to me more swifty than I would have thought.

Hell, I really do need this, don't I?

I took a deep breath, letting myself melt into the cushion on the bamboo floor…

“So, what’s it going to be for the great Crewman Lehman when this is all over?”

I was playing a game of cards with my navy mates on board the deep space outpost. My discharge was in two weeks- and as far as I was concerned, it couldn’t come fast enough.

“You know damn well what. Say hi to the parents, and then head straight for Pilot’s Fed academy. What about you guys?”

“I’ve been doing this eleven years now, and I’m tellin’ you- as soon as my forty years are done, I’m locking myself in a room with a pretty lady and a case of scotch!”

There was a gentle chuckling around the table from the other off-duty crewmen. I leaned forward, grinning. “You work the docks for forty years, and all you’ll see when that first top comes off are a pair of shorter cargo containers!”

My friend held up the glass of whiskey that he had managed to smuggle and nodded. “As long as them containers are properly stacked, I'll work with that just fine!”

There was more laughter around the table as the game continued. Another one of my friends folded and took a drink of his own. “So, you’re really going for Pilot’s Fed, Lehman?”

I smiled and threw in a chip. “That I am. I’ve spent six years watching ships come and go, and the last five years saving every credit the navy pays me. I think it’s time I was on the other end of the cargo bay.”

Another crewman shook his head. “It’s dangerous out there, you know. And I’ve heard some pretty dodgy things about the Pilot’s Federation- like they don’t have any regard for laws or decency. Just an overgrown gang of mercs.”

I shrugged. “Well, I’ve done a lot of research on them. They’ve got some pretty entrenched understandings with just about every legitimate government in the bubble, and they go back hundreds of years. And you’re wrong about the laws part. You attack an innocent, you get a bounty on your head. Whoever turns you into space dust gets a sack of credits for their effort.”

The man scoffed. “Yeah, and look how well that’s worked out. There’s pirates and criminals in every two-bit system from here to Achenar.”

I smiled. “Just means more bounties to be cashed.”

Another crew member shook his head. “C’mon, Lehman- you ain’t no killer. You look like you’re just waiting to get rich at the helm of one of those nice, boring T-7s.”

Laughing, I shook my head. “You’re right. I want something new, but not that new…”

My friend put his hand on my shoulder, still grinning. “Well, we’re going to miss seeing you around.” He held up his bottle, sloshing around the remaining liquid. “How about one last drink with your mates before your glorious future as a truck driver?”

I smiled and accepted the booze. We all toasted my impending discharge, holding our glasses high- which was weird, because I still felt his hand on my shoulder….  

I woke up in the Japanese-themed room, a faint light streaming in behind the rice paper walls. To my right was Nova, her head resting against my shoulder, curled up in a fetal position next to me. Taking care to not wake her, I gently got out of bed. She rolled onto her stomach, still asleep.

I had no idea how long I had been out, but it must have been something like morning on the station, since the flashing lights and dull sound of the techno music wasn’t coming through any more. Hesitantly, I pulled out the earbuds.

Nope. Still nothing

According to my wrist computer, it was seven in the morning on Novitski. A fine hour for breakfast, I thought.

I looked around for the tablet, and found it still in Nova’s hands, her body curled up around it. Shrugging, I stood up and stretched. My partner just remained still, borderline snoring.

If she doesn’t get up soon, it’ll be a fine breakfast for one.

I walked over to the duffle bag, changed into another shirt, and applied some deodorant. Next, I looked over at Nova, still sleeping with the tablet in her arms.

How late was she up reading that thing?

Shaking my head, I slid open the door and took a look around. As expected, the Bear Den was deserted, with only a few lights kept on. Dan and Monty were probably asleep, too. I looked back at Nova, and then out to the empty seats and dance floor.

No sense in taking a walk, not if the doors are going to lock behind you.

I sighed and broke open one of the bags of snacks we had bought. It was some kind of fruit bar that didn’t taste anything like fruit.


Tossing aside the snack, I sat down at the table and looked around. I could see why Kyndi liked this room for her little Onionhead adventures. There wasn’t anything to do in here except drink, smoke, sleep, or-

I looked at Nova, still sleeping with her back turned to me.

Best forget about that, Matt. She’s just a partner, and is still coasting off of that gentlemanly speech you gave her back at the sushi place.

Of all the things I don’t handle well, boredom was easily near the top of the list. I briefly considered gently wresting away the tablet- but how would that look if Nova woke up to that?

Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long. I had been staring out across the darkened dance floor when I heard a drowsy voice behind me.

"What time is it?"

I turned back to my partner, sitting up and stretching.

"Almost nine in the morning. How late were you up reading that thing?"

She looked down at the tablet still in her lap. "I stopped keeping track after two. Sometimes it's better to not know."

I chuckled and shook my head.“So, anything juicy in there?”

Nova yawned and slouched over on the bed, her blue hair falling over her sleepy eyes.

“Lots. Just no clear place for us to go yet.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Want me to take over going through the data?”

She smirked and shook her head. “Actually- no. Would you think less of me if I said that snooping through corporate secrets is way too much fun to give up?”

Chuckling, I slid the door shut. “Not at all. Suit yourself.”

My partner looked up, a hopeful look in her eyes. “Though... I wouldn’t say no if the sweet and dashing Commander Matt got his partner some coffee.”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine. How does the beautiful and nosy Commander Cassidy take her morning Joe?”

She smiled sweetly, already booting up the tablet. “With cream and sugar. Hazelnut if it’s available.”

I put on my jacket, getting ready to head outside. “You can’t just stay in here all day, you know. We have to see to getting a new ship. Dan and Monty’s hospitality isn’t infinite.”

Not even looking up, she made a “shoo” motion at my with her hand. “Then get us a ship. I trust you. This tablet and I will be right here.”

“Cobra alright?”

That made her look up. “Old or new?”

I shrugged. “Always wanted to fly the new model.”

Nova frowned. “I’m feeling a little old-school today. How about the three?”

“Not a fan of the new one?”

Her face twisted up a little. “I’m sure it's great, but...uh... new ships always need a few years to get all the kinks worked out, you know?”

I opened my wallet and checked for my credit chips. “The four is slower anyway. Ok. I’ll buy us a ship and get her outfitted. I’ve also got a claim to file with the Pilot’s Fed office. Should take most of the day.”

Nova just pulled up a blanket and started reading. “Fine by me. I’ll be right here.”

As I was walking away from the room, I heard her voice call out: “Remember: cream and sugar! Hazelnut!”

It ended up taking most of the day like I thought, but I was able to get our ship, place the upgrade order, and file my claim with the Pilot’s Fed. So far, the mission was costing me a healthy sum of credits, but overall I was still ok financially. One of the earliest lessons you learn as a pilot is to always be sitting on top of a healthy pile of credits at any given time.

Then there was the issue of the Lysenko Asp still in the docking bay. I couldn’t just store it, since I would have to rent a hangar in my name and have that ship associated with me. And since it clearly didn’t belong to me, selling the thing wasn’t an option either.

Damnit, where are you when I need you, Rax?

I had been in this situation before, back when Kyndi and I first met. We had stolen a Python and sold it to Rax, who worked his hacking wizardry on the vessel to make it fit for reselling. I still hadn’t seen or heard from him since his little underground smuggler outpost was overrun by those cave beasties.

Apart from delivering the coffee to Nova- which had brought out some delighted cooing noises from her as she greedily sipped the beverage- I had been gone most of the morning and afternoon. By the time I returned to the Bear Den, it was late in the afternoon. The music was already blasting, and the customers were already starting to show up.

Upstairs in the private room, Nova was still sitting on top of the cushion, surrounded by snack wrappers and her empty coffee cup. She looked up and smiled as I slid the rice paper door shut.

“We got a ship?”

I nodded and sat down at the table. “Yep. She ain't new, but the components will be. The techs have been working on her all day, and she should be ready by tonight.”

Nova stood up and stretched, her back popping a few times. “Good. Because I think I know where we’re going.”

That got my attention. “Oh yeah?”

My partner smiled, just a trace of smugness in her face. “Yeah. Turns out our former corporate contact had plans of his own after picking up the loot.”

“You mean Giles?”

“The same. He wasn’t going back to corporate HQ, Matt. He was heading to the middle of goddamn nowhere.”

I shrugged. “So, he was acting on his own and trying to sell some corporate secrets? These things happen. Where are we heading?”

“You’re not going to like it.”

“Try me. I’m pretty tolerant of destinations when it comes to figuring out who’s thrown me under the T-9.”

Nova sighed and set down the tablet. “Hutton Orbital.”

I looked up. “Are you goddamn kidding me?”

“Told you you wouldn’t like it.”

Son of a- “Well, at least that gives us time to really get to know each other, huh?”

Nova raised an eyebrow. “By which I assume you mean stimulating conversation?”

I shook my head and scowled. “From what I’ve heard, there ain’t nothing stimulating about the Hutton run. You sure that’s where our guy was headed?”

“Yep. He was set to deliver the cargo, ship’s logs, and data core to some guy named Winston Jenner. I’ve never heard of him, but to be holed up in a place like Hutton-” She shook her head- “Tells me he’s pretty damn desperate to not be found.”

I leaned against the wall. “Anything else?”

“Just more cryptic references to this ‘device’. Nothing solid on what it is, just that this Winston guy and our friend Giles were in agreement that it was too dangerous to remain in Lysenko’s hands.”

Shaking my head, I stared down at the floor. “I wonder if this ‘device’ is what was boxed up aboard that Anaconda.”
Nova shrugged and continued reading. “Maybe. Whatever it was, it’s scrap now.”

I looked back towards the club entrance. “Well, I guess I’d better head back to the outfitters.”

“For what?”

“To replace the cargo bay with fuel tanks. I ain’t exactly in the mood to run out of gas on the way.”

She let out a long exhale, already dreading the journey. “Good idea." Pausing a moment, she added: "Also- more coffee.”

The rest of the day passed without incident. Nova remained holed up in the room, while I wandered downstairs to chat with Dan and Monty, who were tending bar. Just as the club was really starting to get crowded, my wrist computer chimed that the ship would be done within the hour. I related this news to our hosts, who promised to see us off.

I walked back to the upper level and into the private room. Nova was still on the pad, taking a nap this time. Again, the tablet was in her arms and against her chest. I knelt over her and put a hand on her shoulder to wake her up. Sleepily, she opened her eyes.

“Almost time to go, darlin’. Ship’s about ready.”

Drowsily, she smiled. “That’s about the best news I’ve heard all day.”

“Sorry to wake you from that pleasant nap. I know you didn’t sleep much.”

Nova put an arm around my neck and started to hoist herself up. I helped lift her up, arms around her back. “No, but boy was it fun snooping through corporate secrets all night!”

From behind us, the rice paper door slid open. Behind it were Dan and Monty, a concerned expression on their faces. Dan stepped forward and cleared his throat.

“Uh… sorry if we’re interrupting anything.”

Nova and I looked at each other and separated, arms to ourselves. I turned to them, standing up quickly. “What’s up, guys? Here to say goodbye already?”

Dan glanced in the direction of the dance floor below. “There are people here asking for you two.”

My eyes narrowed. “What kind of people?”

From behind him, Monty crossed his arms. “The serious-looking kind. With guns.”

Oh shit.

Nova stood up and swiftly put on her jacket. “Did they say where they were from?”

Both men shook their heads. “No, but their uniforms have a patch with a test tube in front of a planet.”

Lysenko!” Both Nova and I said it.

A confused look crossed Dan’s face. “Ly-whatto?”

Shaking my head, I gestured downstairs. “Lysenko. Research firm based in independent space. Bad news. Long story.”

Monty shook his head, arms still crossed. “And the reason you two are holed up in one of our private rooms instead of a hotel?”

All I could do was shrug, hold out my hands, and smile weakly.

Dan gestured downstairs. “Well, they already know that you’re here. Time to face the music, you two.”

Hesitantly, Nova and I walked down the metal stairs. The club music had been silenced, and all around us, men were staring at both us and the unexpected, armed strangers. Upon seeing us,  they raised  their weapons.

I tried my best roguish smile. “Hell of a way to deliver the mission reward, guys.”

The man in front stepped forward. He was an older, serious-looking individual with a gnarly scar running down the side of his face. “Commanders M. Lehman and N. Cassidy?”

Nova and I looked at each other. She answered cautiously. “Who wants to know?”

The man thumped the Lysenko patch on his shoulder. “Don’t play games with me. You know damn well why we’re here. You’ve got company property that doesn’t belong to you. You’re coming with us.”

Time to stall for time. “What property are you referring to?”

He looked at me level in the eye. Like me, he was pretty damn tall. “Stolen ship, corporate intel, and the illegally salvaged data core you two vultures scavenged from that Anaconda. You’re going away for a long, long time.”

My partner scoffed and narrowed her eyes. “Don’t forget the two guys we wasted.”

I shook my head. “You've got it all wrong, pal. I was contracted by Lysenko to recover those items! Chap by the name of Giles. Now, if you’ll excuse me, my partner and I were just leav-“

He raised his rifle right at face-level. “Giles was a traitor who sold us out. He got what was coming to him.”

Wordlessly, he gestured for his men to seize us. “And just as soon as you two have had a neural shunt to squeeze out any secrets you’ve got, you’ll be joining him!”

As our hands went to our heads, I saw a frustrated look cross Nova’s face as she turned to me.

“So much for getting paid, huh?”

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