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The Reaper Diaries: Low-Down, Dirty Cheater, Part 3

24 Feb 2016Michael Wolfe
Kyndi’s comm was offline, and had been for ten minutes. Under my flight suit, my heart was pounding.

What the fuck do I do?

I was circling just beyond engagement range, weighing my options. None of them were exactly good.

I could take out the drones, attack the facility, and start blasting until they gave her up.

Too damn sloppy.

I could radio in and try to plead for her release.

Because that works all the time.

I could set down the ship, spacewalk to the installation, and blast my way inside to secure her release.

And between the drones, the armed security, and the fact that it’s a damn prison, that’s a bad idea even by holo-game standards.

I shook my head. So, what then?

I couldn’t land, I couldn’t drive, and there was no way I would ever make it to the door on foot.

Well, subtlety is out. That leaves dumb ol’ brute force, doesn’t it?

Yes. Yes it did.

But first, some ham-fisted diplomacy.

“Tower, this is your favorite Fer-de-Lance. Come in, over.”

The man on the other end of the radio seemed annoyed. “What is it?”

I tried my best to sound as annoying cocky as possible. “Just need some landing clearance. Y’all got a friend of mine in there- purple-haired young thing who took a wrong turn. If you would kindly let her out the way she came in, we’ll just be on our way.”

For a long moment, there was silence over the line. Probably finding out what the hell is going on , I thought. Eventually, the same man came back.

“Maybe we’ve got her, maybe we don’t. It’s no concern of yours. Now clear out before we sick the drones on you. You’ve got one minute, commander.”

Ok. They want to play hardball, we can play hardball.

Click here for the rest of the story!
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