Logbook entry

With Friends Like These, Part 1

29 Feb 2016Michael Wolfe
So this is the Empire’s new strategy: forge alliances with lesser scum to keep the greater threat at bay.

It was no secret that the Pegasi Pirate War hadn’t exactly gone to plan. The Empire was fighting a war that it didn’t fully understand, against an enemy that didn’t count losses- only credits. Archon Delaine wasn’t the type to care how many ships he lost to the Imperial Expeditionary Force- if he was alive, he was in business. And if he was in business, he was winning.

Not terribly unlike Denton Patreus
, I thought. The senator from Eotienses had been the unofficial leader in the fight to bring the Kumo Crew to bear, and had the most to lose from an unsuccessful or drawn-out conflict. And lose he had, costing the Imperial armada men, women, and ships as it cut through the never-ending waves of Kumo forces thrown against it. So long as Delaine could bribe or force pilots to fight for him, the Armada would never have a moment’s rest.

Still, the man had been promoted to Admiral of the Fleet following his success against the Emperor’s Dawn, which meant that his other private war against the Kumos was about to take on a whole new dimension. Reinforcements were certain to be sent into Pegasi, and the battle of egos and fire between the two men would continue.

And to think, I was just a hair away from being a peon in this shitfight.

For the rest of the log, click here!

And if you're just tuning in, be sure to read Marra's logs to get caught up on the backstory!


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