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With Friends Like These, Part 7

20 Apr 2016Michael Wolfe
If you missed the last chapter be sure to check it out!

Jesus Christ, I can’t believe we pulled that off.

Marra and I were running down Jaz Adisa’s hidden passageway back to the hangars. It looked like it had never been used before, with half the corridor lighting being burnt out and little spots of rust creeping up along the deck plating. Still, we didn’t need it to be pretty- we just needed it to lead to the hanger.

And no more surprises. That would be nice, too.

The last three hours had been a roller-coaster. I’d already been nervous about landing in the middle of a city basically run by pirates, but then I’d been backstabbed by my partner immediately after landing. The next three hours had been spent in a tiny, rusty cell, disgusted at my partner for setting the trap and myself for having walked into it.

Except that it wasn’t a trap. Not for me, anyway.

For the rest of the story, click here!
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