Logbook entry

Profits from Prophets, Part 1

21 May 2016Michael Wolfe
Well, that wasn’t as painful as I’d imagined.

I was settling into the cockpit of my Diamondback, gear stowed and departure clearance granted. The meeting with my Imperial liaison had been every bit as awkward as I’d thought, but actually just doing it wasn’t nearly as hard as my imagination had speculated. In fact, it was rather easy.

Yeah, he had called me a traitor.

And a coward.

And a deserter.

And a “sunshine subject”.

And charged the market cost of the gleaming white paintjob against my credit balance.

But that was it, really. My entire role had been to 1) deliver word of my decision, 2) wait until the livid little man was done making noise, and 3) exit the office, grab my gear and walk to the Majestic-class ship’s docking bay where my ship was parked.

Like I said- easy. Hard on the ego, granted- but easy to actually do.

For the rest of the story, click here!
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