Logbook entry

Profits from Prophets, Part 2

26 May 2016Michael Wolfe
“The goddamn Utopians?

Kyndi looked over her shoulder, smirking. “Yeah. The Utopians. You know: enlightenment through technology. Purity of mind of and body. Unity through their sim network.”

My purple-haired partner stood back up and shut her fridge door, a leftover box of noodles in her hand. I shook my head, watching her shove a quivering forkful into her mouth.

“Never looked into their beliefs before. A cult’s a cult.”

A smile spread across her face as she chewed. “Sure it is. Except when the ‘cult’ controls dozens of words and has millions of followers. Then it tends to graduate to ‘religion’.”

For the rest of the story, click here!
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