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Personal Log: Next Steps

15 Mar 2022Mark Zero
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[Date: 03.15.3308]
[Location: MacDonald Settlement, Alcor]

Well, the Colonia Bridge project's wrapped up, and the credit payout's cleared into my account. All told, sittin' on just under a billion credits. That's about a ten-fold increase on what I had banked when I showed up to Alcor in the Heavy Metal Queen. Not a bad haul at all.

But even though it's more credits than I've ever had to work with, it's still a far cry from what I'd need to commission a Fleet Carrier. And with the Brewer contract done with, I'd need to find a new well to tap.

There's ways, of course. I could outfit the Queen for mining. There's a rush for new Fleet Carriers right now and I might be able to make a killing selling Tritium off to other Commanders who don't want to do the work themselves. Or maybe I could network with a few bartenders. Lifting the right data and selling it to someone on another Commander's payroll could turn a bigger profit than the usual rates they offer in stations.

Nothin' drives up the value of something like convenience, after all.

There's always the option of earning it in blood, too. Plenty of opportunities out there to secure a couple million credits by fightin' in somebody else's war, or hunting down somebody with a decent bounty on their head and collecting it. It's slower, sure. And there's always the costs from restocking ammo and patching damage to the hull to consider. But at least it's more engaging than cracking rocks all day and trying to sneak back to a well-paying hi-sec before some hotshot tries to yank me out of Supercruise and demand a cut by the right of having more weapon hardpoints than I've got shields.

But, naturally, this has me thinkin'. Do I even really want to go through all that? Sure, Fleet Carriers are great and all. But I've got enough in my account to walk into InterAstra right now and tell them I want an Anaconda with full A-rated outfitting, and I'd probably still have enough left over to cover three times the rebuy.

Or I could sink it into what I've already got. I did buy a Mamba with the Universal Cartographics payout from that trip out to Colonia before they built the Bridge. Black Sunshine's only about half outfitted, and she'd do a hell of a lot better as a bounty hunting ship with a respectable armor profile...

Anyway, all stuff to consider on the trek back home to Gungamato.

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