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The Bubble is Growing Loud | Personal Log 03.22.3308

22 Mar 2022Mark Zero
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[Date: 03.22.3308]
[Location: Baird Ring, HIP 36081]

Things seem to have been getting loud out there over the past week-plus. Where to start...

News about Zach Hudson's been all over GalNet lately. He's pushing to remove his term limits to stay in office, and that has the Feds fractured and tensions running hot on all sides. So hot, turns out, that it's tying up the Federation's ability to police itself. Pirates have been wrecking shop in Gliese 868, and the Feds have put out a call for bounty hunters.

Meanwhile, Ed Mahon's still finding out exactly how much of his own foot he shot off when he made his backroom security deal with Sirius Corp. Turns out that Reorte isn't content with just unceremoniously booting Sirius out of their system; they're now threatening to declare independence from the whole Alliance. Which, being real, means there's probably gonna be work on the way. Whether it's gonna be data running work or shooting people work is probably gonna depend on how angry Reorte gets.

The Empire's probably the best off out of the three right now. Emperor Arissa's been making a big public show out of her return to power. After bringing all hell down on Darkwater Inc in Summerland (which was great money), she's moved on to political theater and tightening her grip. Standard stuff, but the interesting bit is that she's apparently also meeting with reps from the Marlinist colonies. Which could either mean she's recognizing their independence, or she's about to kill the messenger and start a war. Guess we'll find out soon enough.

And if that ain't all, there's rumors that the Thargoids are poking at the core systems. Weirdly, they aren't attacking stations, but megaships have been supposedly getting whacked. The xenos might've caught on to how Salvation's been slaughtering 'em the last few times. Speaking of Salvation, ain't heard f-all from them, but sounds like their megaships might be probing Guardian ruin sites. Who knows what for. All I know is that the Thargoids have been spotted in our own backyard in Parthini, which is tying a knot in the pit of my stomach. There's a reason I've never taken the trip out to the Pleiades.

Lotta high level pressure in the Bubble, let's hope nothing pops. For now, think I'll keep my head down and just worry about the next job.

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