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Anticipation | Personal Log 08.05.3308

05 Aug 2022Mark Zero
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[Date: 08.05.3308]
[Location: FCNV Amaurot's Legacy, Synuefe SA-C b33-0]

There ain't no going back now.

The announcements coming out of HIP 22460 started on the 29th of July. The Proteus Wave's core mechanism is constructed, and over the "next few days" Azimuth was planning to start the calibration process. Then a timeline was released on the 4th of August, stating that safety checks were under way. The news coming in off of GalNet is getting more and more frantic, with some talking heads calling this "an historic event".

The Pilot's Federation seems pretty divided. Some Commanders are coming to HIP 22460 in droves to get in on the action, whether it's to take the fight to the Thargoids, or just get a front row seat to whatever fireworks are about to go off. Others are trying to get as far the hell away as possible, retreating to Colonia or some godforsaken far-flung corner of the Black. Whatever they think'll keep them outside the "blast radius". Still others are supporting Operation Wych Hunt or Operation Breakwater, in some last-ditch attempt to undermine Azimuth and... I dunno, make some kind of moral stand.

Truth is, it's too damn late to turn from this course now.

Salvation's rise to become our only hope against the threat of the Thargoids came out of nowhere, and it happened fast. He knew what he was doing, and just about everything that happened, happened intentionally. He knew exactly where he had to apply pressure in order to crush Aegis, who were his only real opposition. He knew exactly how to work his way into winning over public opinion. The allies he needed, the corporate fronts that gave Azimuth cover, it was all in place before the first pieces moved. And he knew exactly how to get independent Commanders to ignore the Pilot's Federation's initial warnings and line up to help him.

I think our last real chance to stop this was when Aden Tanner went rogue with the Musashi to try to expose that the superweapon works by deliberately attracting Thargoids to it. Turned out, he was absolutely right. Salvation himself announced it. Except now nobody cares, Aden is rotting in a cell somewhere in Fed space, and the Musashi is next door under Azimuth's command handing out anti-xeno combat bonds.

I wonder how the families of the people who died in Cornsar feel about all of this. Or the families of the crew of the Alexandria. I wonder how many people are gonna wish they listened to Dr. Tesreau, who's been yelling into the wind on GalNet that Salvation needs to be tried for crimes against humanity.

But that's all I can do now, is wonder. Wonder, and wait for the inevitable, and try to help keep the Thargoids off of HIP 22460 10 b long enough for our self-appointed messiah to pull the trigger on his gun.

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