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Doomsday Eve | Personal Audio Log 08.08.3308

08 Aug 2022Mark Zero
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[Date: 08.08.3308]
[Location: Aboard Alliance Chieftan MA-14T "Firebrand", HIP 22460]

> Beginning speech-to-text transcription...

"Well... we're inside the last 24 hours now.

The Thargoid swarm in HIP 22460 is relentless. For every alien ship we destroy, another one takes its place, over and over again. Fighting them is becoming an endurance test from hell; my nerves are completely shot, and I've had to have the hull on the Firebrand patched back together so many times I'm not sure it's still the same ship any more. I wonder if Salvation's real plan was to just bait them into this system and talk all of humanity into to become a meat grinder to chew up their whole fleet.

Which would work, maybe, except the Thargoid reinforcements just never seem to end. They've stepped up the pressure so much we're barely hanging on at this point, but it still feels like they're holding something back. If they have this many ships, why are they only sending them in numbers that keep us tied up? Why aren't they hitting us with everything they have all at once? Are they waiting for something?

Well, if they are, they ain't gonna be waiting long. Last status transmission from Azimuth has the Proteus Wave at "Deployment Phase 2". Which I guess means they managed to attach the damn thing to an entire Thargoid ground site and "calibrate" it without some kinda catastrophic mishap. So as far as we've been allowed to know, they're almost done on the surface of 10b. They're calling tomorrow "Doomsday" for the Thargoids.

Let's hope we don't regret that choice of words."

"Incoming high-frequency communications signal..."

<garbled static> "This is the INV Audacious Dream! Multiple hyperspace anomalies at our position! All available pilots, we require immediate assistance! Repeat; this is INV Audacious Dream, we have incoming Thargoids! All available pi-" <static, transmission terminates>

"... Welp... guess that's my cue."

"Frame Shift Drive, charging..."

> Speech-to-text transcription ends

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