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A New Kind Of Ancient Relic | Personal Log 08.21.3308

22 Aug 2022Mark Zero
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[Date: 08.21.3308]
[Location: FCNV Amaurot's Legacy, Trapezium Sector ZU-X c1-4]

Not too long after the warning went out to steer clear of HIP 22460, rumors started circulating on the back-channels about somebody messing around with Guardian artifacts in a Thargoid ground structure, and producing something nobody's ever seen before. After what happened with the Proteus Wave, the last thing I ever expected was somebody to go messing around with putting Guardian tech into Thargoid tech, but I guess one CMDR Kralone decided to give it a shot out of curiosity and came back with a result that wasn't "everything exploded".

According to the reports that are coming out now on GalNet, the end result is some kind of "altered" relic that's never been seen before. And there's gotta be some legitimacy behind the claim, because Ram Tah and Professor Palin have both put out calls through GalNet for anybody who cooks one of these things up to bring it to their respective labs. Doesn't sound like a competition, either; Ram Tah hinted that the two are comparing notes on these things in his remarks on GalNet.

An old buddy of mine, goes by CMDR Beard McFirepunch, brought the whole thing up and asked me if I felt like giving it a look. I'm... shaky on the whole thing. We've already collected a handful of relics from an old Guardian ruin out here in Trapezium ZU-X c1-4, but step two is to gain entry to a Guardian structure's central chamber and cook 'em in the machine that lurks there.

After barely making it out of HIP 22460, the last place I want to be is on the inside of one of these Guardian structures. I don't know why anybody would be out of their mind enough to slap a Guardian relic into a Thargoid structure after what just happened with the Proteus Wave. We've already kicked the hornet's nest by doing exactly that, and even before then, it's common knowledge that putting anything Guardian into a Thargoid structure is a surefire way to get yourself killed. But Beard's curious about what we might find, and having something to focus on is at least keeping my mind from wandering to places I don't want it to go. I'm going to be ordering the Legacy out to the Pleiades region once some routine maintenance checks are done.

Let's hope this little field trip stays nice and quiet.

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