Logbook entry

Amaurot's Legacy | Security Audio Log 11.30.3308

30 Nov 2022Mark Zero
-// Log Entry Start

[Date: 11.30.3308]
[Location: Victory-Class Fleet Carrier V4F-21N Amaurot's Legacy, Synuefe SA-C b33-0]

> beginning speech-to-text transcription

"The Taranis anomaly has arrived in Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6, triggering a ferocious wave of Thargoid attacks in the region.

Multiple inhabited systems are experiencing wide-scale invasions by countless numbers of Thargoid vessels, with casualties expected to number millions in the coming days. Several systems have already reported a complete loss of human control, with ports abandoned amid heavy lo-"

"Broadcast paused."


"It's been about three months since HIP 22460, hasn't it, Kimber?"

"About that long, yes."

"Three months I've been kicking around nursing PTSD and doin' a whole lot of nothin'."

"With all due respect, sir, I'd say that's a little harsh."

"Would you?"

"Yes. Nobody on board this vessel would criticize you for needing time off after what happened with the Proteus Wave. You were lucky to get out of there alive, and having trauma from that experience is not weakness, it's human. Besides, you haven't been doing nothing, you've just been doing less. You literally just got back on board after fighting in a war."


"Why'd you fight in that war, Commander?"


"Yes. You could've stayed out of it."

"Heh. Well, I s'pose because my friends needed me. People I cared about needed my help."

"Well, there are a whole lot of people in that corner of the bubble who need all the help they can get, right now. And call this an old Federal military instinct, but I'd bet credits that if help doesn't come, eventually the people who need help are going to be the people you care about. And by then, it might be too late."


"... Yeah, s'pose you're right. Alright they're... here, here, and... damn there's a whole mess of 'em. Alright, that looks far enough back from the front line that we can run if we need to. Captain, prep the carrier for jump to the Didiomanja system. Get Firebrand prepped and ready for AX operations. Make sure the weapons are conventional AX, I don't want anything Guardian on that ship until I'm sure it isn't gonna melt."

"Understood, Commander."

"And Kimber?"


"Thanks for the talk."

"No problem. We'll file it under 'additional duties' on the report this week."


"Resuming GalNet Broadcast."

"-ing to The Alliance Tribune, Admiral Rachel Ziegler remarked: “Our focus at present is on defending the populated systems from swarms of highly aggressive Thargoids. Whatever this ‘maelstrom’ actually is, it’s clearly been sent with the purpose of eradicating human influence in the region.”"

> Speech to text transcription ends

-// Log Entry End
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