Logbook entry

Interdiction Event | Automated Black Box Recording 02.28.3309

02 Mar 2023Mark Zero
-//Log Entry Start

[Date: 02.28.3309]
[Location: In-system Shipping Lane, Dewindji]

-// Ship Flight Recorder: Automated logging active

> Ship Ident: 1BS1BL "Shadowbringer"
> Beginning event log with audio transcription

> Warning: Interdiction

> Throttle zero: Submitting to interdiction
"Hull integrity compromised."
> FSD safety cooldown in progress
> Warning: Scan detected
"Scan detected. Incoming communications hail."

"Put it through, Alix."

"Hahaha! That's right, don't even try to run, Commander! Now... let's see what's in that cargo hold... empty?! What gives?!"

"Are you really just ripping random people out of cruise and hoping to get lucky? You must be new at this."

"Don't play dumb with me, I saw you dropping in and out of signal sources! Hand over the salvage!"

"Afraid I can't, buddy. It's component salvage, on-board synthesis fabricator's already broken 'em down."

"Rrrrgh you better drop something valuable in the next fifteen seconds or I'll scrap that stupid Krait for wasting my time!"

"... Copy that, stand by for material transfer."
> Hardpoints deploying

"Hey, HEY! Stow those guns RIGHT NOW or I'll-"

"You said you wanted something valuable? So here's something valuable; a learning experience."

<-- Audio of sustained multi-cannon fire and boost thrusters being engaged -->

-//Log Entry End
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