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Rhea 3 Earthquake | Personal Log 02.13.3310

13 Feb 2024Mark Zero
-//Log Entry Start

[Date: 02.13.3310]
[Location: Victory-Class Fleet Carrier V4F-21N Amaurot's Legacy, Brutas (preparing to jump)]

So news just broke over GalNet that made my stomach drop. My home planet, Rhea 3, has been hit by massive earthquakes. Catastrophic damage and casualties estimated to be in the tens of millions. And I've still got family living where I was born and raised, in a little suburb outside of one of the major cities.

I'm pacing back and forth in my office right now with nothing else to do but spill my guts into this log, and I hate it. I hate not having control, not being able to do anything about what's happening. I hate worrying. And I'm doing all of that right now. I've never hated the mandatory delay enforced on carrier hyperspace jumps before, but I want to wring the neck of whoever handed down a two hour delay on the departure window for the Legacy.

I could care less right now about safety precautions or hyperspace traversal stability requirements. I've half a mind to just undock in the Seventh Dawn and get there the hard way. Probably would take the same amount of time but at least then I'd be occupied with plotting jumps instead of bouncing off the walls in here trying not to scream.

Okay Mark... deep breaths...

I'm bailing out of a major operation with Gaz and the squad here in Brutas. Don't want to but this is more important. Gaz knows what this feels like, worrying for the safety of your family. Ironically we were on opposite sides back then, and I don't think I've been back home in nearly as long. The war in Lugh was why I left Rhea in the first place; couldn't stand being a combat pilot for a Federation that treated people so badly they'd resort to secession, and then responded with guns and propaganda.

There are people on Rhea 3 that I haven't seen in years. Mom, dad, my sister, my niece... and I've got no way of knowing right now if they're alive or dead. They're reporting that entire neighborhoods have collapsed into jagged pits, whole towns and cities destroyed. If it hit my hometown... if they're...

... No. Nope, can't think like that. I take anxiety inhibitors for a reason.

I'm a Commander. I have a fleet carrier, and I've got credits. That can get a lot done. I can check in at Ito Orbital and coordinate with whatever humanitarian efforts are under way. I can do something about this. And I can try to find out if they're okay.

They'd better be okay...

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