Cmdr Androsky
Registered ship name
The Lewis and clark
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer COWBBP
Overall assets
The Silverbacks

Logbook entry

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

12 Apr 2022Androsky
I have already been underway, scanning solar systems and mapping planets. I prefer the loneliness of space, wars have hardened my heart from any form of human contact, all except my four legged companion, Pork Chop, a rescue of the pit bull kind. I have so appropriately named my ship, a Diamondback Explorer, the Lewis and Clark.

So far my journey has lead me to some gruesome discovery's. Ships no longer recognizable, hunks of twisted metal, heaping masses of once great accomplishments of mankind, now all but rendered to scrap heaps and tombs of forgotten souls. One such grave I found, and laid under a rock, with careful love, a journal. I pondered its content. Titled with only a name, Eviee. Barely recognizable was the color that once beheld the eyes of its owner, Pink, all but faded from it seams. I cracked open this little book, inside hidden behind the tattered cover, a picture eaten up by time. On the first page, and only the first page was the only legible statement in the whole little book.

"My name is Eviee, I am twelve, and this is my story."

My heart ached, tears settled into the corners of my eyes. Oh, dear Eviee, how did you come to this end. I sat in my SRV while eating a ration, staring at the faded picture and pondering who this little girl was. Her story erased, does she mean nothing. She had dreams and hopes, aspirations, the universe needs to know her story. So there I vowed, from now on, when I find a journal, if I can, I'll rescue their story and post to the universe the story of them... the forgotten.

This is Androfsky of the Lewis and Clark, signing off...
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