Cmdr Androsky
Registered ship name
The Lewis and clark
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer COWBBP
Overall assets
The Silverbacks

Logbook entry

A call to arms - The demand of the engineer

08 Jul 2022Androsky
Damn dirty engineers, whinny little babies if you ask me. They want proof of your loyalty. Its the old, "what will you do for me...". BS if you ask me.

So fine, I've enlisted in a few wars, taking my skills to purge, on contract with a faction, its antagonist. Last night, the twinkle of life from my own eye nearly faded from this universe. Little bastard snuck up behind me a shot me in my ass! I turned on my heals in one quick motion, drew my pistol, fanned the hammer, and sent his soul to the boatman on the river sticks.

well lesson learned, the enemy likes to shot you in the ass. Then fan the hammer I say, and send there souls to hades... and let him sort them out. well, I have a few more of these to do before I have proved myself to this little snot nosed engineer. If he didn't have skills I needed, I'd fan the hammer on his ass, and send him packing to the netherworld.

Androfsky of the Ansel Adams...out.
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