Logbook entry

A long day, a stiff drink, and a good life.

Grateful for another long day in Robigo. Sixteen hours straight of running tourists to Sirius Atmospherics and back. More than 4,500 people stepped onto my ship today and every single one of them was a criminal.

When I was younger that would’ve bothered me. When I started out, I had nothing. I spent years working my fingers to the bone. And I got nowhere. Now I know better. The people with their hands on the controls are happy to let you work yourself to death. They understand that hard work is a good distraction. Makes it harder for you to recognize that you aren’t getting anywhere.

I didn’t get ahead until I started working the angles. Doing favors. Gaining the trust of people who could do something for me. It’s the worst part of being successful.

In the bubble, maybe hard work still means something. But 500 ly away from Sol, no one cares what you are doing, or who you are doing it too, as long as you don’t piss the wrong people off.

So here I am. I keep my guard up and my visor down. I make sure I’m in the right place at the right time, and I end every day with a stiff drink and more credits than I started with. I know who my friends are. I watch their backs. They watch mine.

Is it a good life? I’m not sure yet. My younger self would be disgusted. The person I am now, is content. Hopefully the old man I’ll become will be grateful. Or at least respect me for my choices.

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︎1 Shiny!
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