Logbook entry

A Quick Catch Up

27 Nov 2016KronenBrg
So, sitting by LHS 1955 as I fill the tanks on Duct Tape, I thought I ought to update the ship's logbook, as lots has happened whilst the economic turmoil of the universe rolls on.

I ran the Love CG missions and finished in the top 10%.  It actually didn't make me feel as good as I was hoping.  In fact on the scale of 1 to 10 I gave it a 4, although by return it gave me c27m.

I realise what I was really missing wasn't a purpose.  It was a really big ship. Yeah, I had the 'vette now, but it was essentially a big gun with engines.  It didn't have the kind of class that I yearned.  Looking through the G-Buyers Guides I'd realised quickly that what I wanted, no, what I needed was the Imperial Cutter.

That's where things kind of went south, so to speak.  As you may or may not know I've done some 'questionable' things in the past, mostly for money.  One such thing was enlisting for Zac Hudson and massacring people in his name.  I know, it doesn't sound good, but that's just history.  Unfortunately, it had left me with a rather bad reputation in Imperial Space, and shoot on sight orders for some stations.  Neither of those things were good places to start from if you wanted to fly the best ship that the Empire made.

I figured that travelling to the heart of the Empire in a Federal Corvette with a negative rating and enough legacy bounties to take up several terra bits of storage space was sort of like painting a large bullseye on my posterior and then running through Reidquat's View singing songs about and doing something in the rigging of the good ship Thargoid, so headed for my base of operations to swap back into my trusty Python.

Duct Tape was a beautiful ship in her own way.  Where the Anny and the 'vette had raw nasty gun power, DT could swing around and put the perfect shot right in the heat vents on any target. With an earlier paint job she'd been my killing machine of choice, but now she sported a mesh of camo.  Where the Interdictor had been mounted there was now a cargo bay, and the hull reinforcement was also stashed away for a rainy day.  She was unassuming.  And providing I didn't get scammed by the wrong type, she would get me to my destination easily.
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