Cmdr Spyder76a
Enforcer / Bounty hunter
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Imperial Clipper SPY76A
Overall assets
Royal Colonial Guard
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

The big grind

15 Jul 2021Spyder76a
Four weeks into the game and have now worked out what I am aiming for... but it's a long long way away. On the journey, i have discovered that i an obsessive about ticking boxes... just one thing left to do on this, another in that. This game is brilliant at feeding the grind... it's impossible not to set yourself targets and keep grinding away until you get there.

Successes this week?
- Joined a squadron who seem to be just what I am looking for
- started getting involved in BGS
- Grinding missions got me to Empire Baron and the Clipper i have been single focused on
- Made around 500m credits whilst still having fun. Granted i have spent 200m on feeding my Ship obsession, but I need to keep averaging this income to hit the next goals

Frustrations this week?
1. Losing my edge in combat - Some of that is due to me trying more advanced tactics but mostly its is because s my track increases I am getting tougher opponents... and i just need to up my skill levels to keep up...
2. Getting mobbed by NPC's - 6 guys on you at once... grrr another insurance claim
3. Black market bug - started smuggling and getting to grips with what to do, dodged, weaved, sold.... then nothing. No recognition. Turns out there is a bug... grrr a wasted morning

What's next?
Got to earn, save, grind hard now. I will unlock prismatics next week, and need to be ready to upgrade my fleet then engineer too
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