Cmdr Spyder76a
Enforcer / Bounty hunter
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Imperial Clipper SPY76A
Overall assets
Royal Colonial Guard
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Ship addiction...

17 Jul 2021Spyder76a
So, it started out just like any addiction...

Trade with winder to get cobra mkiii
Trade with mkiii to get type 6
Trade with the type 6 to get...

Viper, Vulture, Python, fdl, type 9... to what was supposed to be the pinnacle... the Anaconda

But that's not enough... not close.

I justified it at first on the basis that I would only stay aligned to the princess long enough to get the prismatics... then like a weasel, defect to the next shiny 4 week gift... so I would need all the ships to equip (let's ignore the storage option here as that doesn't suit the self justification for the addiction).

So now there is a list... and until it is all complete (13/18, or is it 13/22?, so far)... there is no stopping.... but then they will all need engineering too... oh yes...

So now I have to say it...

I am Cmdr Spyder76a, and I am an addict
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