Entry 002 - Life in the Inner Orion Spur (Ep. 2)
27 Sep 2021Bolhoder
User: CMDR Bolhoder-----Playing File-----
It's interesting how the Pleiades Nebula is populated by both Thargoids and humans. Just traveled there a few days ago, reason being is that I am currently trying to find a new home, currently I am based at HIP 13257. I guess the star system is fine for its Resource Extraction Sites. I always tell myself, "Why the f$#% do I have to travel 10,000 light seconds just for bounty hunting?" I hope I don't have to suffer much longer...
That guy? The guy who gave me my license? I wonder what he's up to today... He's nice.
I'm glad I left the Pilot's Federation bubble quickly. I hated that place! It was so f*!^#@* strict. It's amazing how I have my own ship, and I can go wherever I want. I might travel back to Maia soon, see what the 'goids are up to. Until then, hopefully everyone around me is sa(@&%(#^&%(^(#$*%^(*^(@*&%^&%$^(@*%^*(&#$^&*($^(&*%^%$^$#^$^^&((&)*&()*&)(@&&*)@(&#*)(@&*#&@)#(*#@&$@$#%$$%@&%$*(
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