Returning to the bubble
29 Sep 2024Batman2741
CMDR's Log Stardate 987824.66 after months of mining the SWS//Rusty Shank is returning to the bubble with a full load of Platinum a value that will surely make us set for life so much in fact that each jump takes an hour to charge the fsd, we spent the first few days struggling then we found a triple plat hotspot and started mining it we didnt think we would spend so long away from civilization and yet we did around month 2 some members of the crew tried to start a piracy group to take our haul and sell it themselves, our security quickly dealt with them I regret to report that they will not be on the return trip, during month 3 another carrier arrived one that no doubt will fill up their hold before leaving, we negotiated a deal where each carrier took a different one of the hotspots and have had no incidents with them to report, and for our final month we topped off our cargo before setting our fsd jump home we should be returning soon and hope to find a few stations we can fill the demand of and be well paid for doing so currently it is estimated it will take a week to offload, some members of the crew want to leave and go return to the bubble others want to go back out and mine some more, we have just under 3 months until the ringed legend expedition we have been planning to go on so we may be able to get another high value run in before then