Log Entry #5
07 Sep 2021Isaiah Davis
[LOG ENTRY #5 - COMMANDER ISAIAH DAVIS OF THE ROYAL COLONIAL GUARD (TRCG) - IMPERIAL COURIER-CLASS SHIP "IC. GODSPEED" - CURRENTLY DOCKED AT VALZ COLONY IN THE HIP 10786 SYSTEM]"Tried out my new ship today, an Imperial Courier, a ship I earned through my partnership with the Empire. To be fair, it is a bit of a downgrade from my Dolphin based on jump distance, less cargo space and no cabins for passengers , but it was built for speed and protection. These are two very important things and I can always upgrade the Frame Shift Drive if I have to.
Sunk a lot of money today into new modules for my ship, and only earned partial amounts back from a few courier and delivery jobs. Today was very low-risk, which was a relief since I've been taking a break for a month or so, just one attempted interdiction today which was easily evaded.
Going to see what attractions are available to the public at Valz, hopefully a place to rest for the night, this ship is a lot more cramped."