Logbook entry

First log - an introduction

18 Jan 2022Wolfsinger
Another Commander, blazing a small trail through the black.

It's been years since I first sat in the pilot's seat, that familiar Sidewinder cockpit smelling of inexperience, hope and fear. I remember my first upgrades, hardwon credits buying equipment I wouldn't pick up as trash these days.
A lot has changed since those days.

I was born, as many of us were born (if 'born' is even the right word, given articial wombs and genestock programmes) on a trade Python called 'Jupiter 6', for some reason I never had explained to me. The ship was running semiconductors out of Alioth to Ross 690 - don't ask me why, that's as much as I got when i started poking around to find out who I was. My entire life was, apparently, part of a pilot development programme run by the Pilot's Federation, together with automatic membership, sponsored education, Remlok facilities and all that stuff. I passed through one institute after another, doing year courses across the bubble, organised bysomeone or other in charge of the programme. When I hit fourteen, I started to be given choices, not that there semed to be a lot in it.

The question of 'who am I, what am I here for' was pretty easy to settle; I am one of thousands of genetic programmes, developed to create a guaranteed batch of future pilots. There's not much more to it than that.

Well, there are worse lifes, says one who has been vacuumed more times that I care to mention and woken up in a fresh-smelling flightsuit in a recreated ship. You know how it is. For now, I have my rankings, my collection of ships, my scars and my lessons.
I'll see what tomorrow has to offer.
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