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Red Valkyrie - Chapter 2, Wage Slaves

23 Sep 2021Nathan Crest
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Red Valkyrie
CHAPTER 2, Wage Slaves

The VTOL arrived at the top of the Chardin Group building. Jackson had already compromised the corporate network and inserted a scheduled landing for Julia's team. Several corp-sec guards approached the vehicle as Mimi stepped out along with her two bodyguards.

"Mrs. Monteau, welcome to Chardin Group." The corp-secs eyed Julia uneasily.

Mimi was, of course, not Mrs. Monteau. But she was a former executive assistant, and well versed in various forms of corporate etiquette. She was dressed in the latest high society fashion, albeit on the casual side. Her glamorous golden blonde hair flowed with the breeze in the air. It was expected for persons of influence such as this Mrs. Monteau to have private bodyguards. Big Jay looked the part. His neatly trimmed hair was slicked back, his broad face a look of professional concentration. He even shaved his beard and wore a suit. Julia however, could not hide her unique appearance. Typical of working bodyguards, her amber red hair was pulled back into a tight pony tail, and she wore minimal makeup. But her custom tailored suit stretched awkwardly over her bio-engineered body, the fabric unable to obscure the the inhumanly sized muscles of her arms and legs.

The supposed Mrs. Monteau beamed her best smile at the corp-sec guards, "Oh don't worry, we are all on the same side. Now, where do I check-in?"

"Uh... yes Mrs. Monteau," one of the corp-secs quickly regained his composure, "May I?"

Mimi held out her hand as the guard scanned her biometrics. Julia's team mentally prepared themselves. If Jackson's sys-hack failed, the fight would start now.

"Looks like you are 15 minutes early ma'am, should I notify Mr. Conner that you are here?"

"Oh there's no need to bother Mr. Conner. I don't mind waiting for a bit."

"Great, the executive lobby is on the 85th floor, please feel free to ask the waitresses to bring you any refreshments." The guard continued, "One last thing, due to corporate policy, we have to scan everyone for weapons, I apologize for the inconvenience."

"Yes, yes, go ahead." Mimi responded with a dismissive wave of her hand.

This was a known complication. Julia's team could not enter the building carrying any weapons. Once inside, Jackson would lead them to a planted stash.

The executive entrance to the Chardin Group was perhaps not as grand as the main lobby, but it was no less opulent; spotless marble tiles, palatial chandeliers, along the walls were displays of rare off-world relics.

"Can we grab some of these things?" Big Jay muttered under his breath as they walked through the hallway toward the elevator.

"Focus Jay."

"Yes Mrs. Monteau." The suited man bowed with joking deference.

Supposedly Chardin Group was funding some war between some factions in some system. To actualize a promised threat, someone needed the CFO dead. This did not concern Julia. Kyan Flemming, the commander of the Diamond Riders, handled the details of this deal. She was just here under his leadership to do what she did best, kill.

As soon as the team entered the elevator, they each put on their ear pieces. Jackson's voice came through.

"Ok, Security encoding is bypassed, the elevator will take you to 81st instead. It's party time."

Everything was going according to plan, so far. Corp-sec would be notified immediately when the elevator passed the 85th floor and continued downward. It was Jackson's job to suppress this alarm for as long as possible. On the 81st floor was a duffel bag of weapons hidden in a maintenance closet.

Julia smirked. It was ironic that a "spoundling" would be right here on the ancestral home planet of humanity, about to execute another corporate trash.

With a chime, the elevator door opened. Heads popped up from behind cubicle walls like Quechua Prairie Dogs as the team walked by. Even more extraordinary than Julia's appearance, was that a person of high social-economic class the likes of Mrs. Monteau, would walk through this floor. But these wage slaves knew their place. Perhaps break room gossip would be highly excited today, for now they quickly buried their heads back into their daily grind.

"Son-of-a.. " Jackson's exasperated voice blurted out, "Two corp-secs found the bag in the maintenance closet. They weren't scheduled..."

Julia charged forward like a cheetah after a prey, while gasps of surprise and shock sounded from nearby cubicles, "Activate step two, now!"

Jackson's viral code injected its imprint into corp-sec control. Communication were rerouted and scrambled, false alarms sounded randomly throughout the building, all elevators engaged emergency shut down.

Next Chapter

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.
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