Logbook entry

Some months ago everyone had to start somewhere - Part 1

08 Sep 2021-Knight-
Commander's Log...

I'm now officially a Commader of my own ship! Passed that flight test with flying colors and got my pilot's license. My ship is a Sidewinder, but, hey, it's a start. I decided to paint it yellow with black stripes because it's name is Bumblebee. I think it seems rather fitting for such a humble ship. I mean, just look at the aerodynamics of that thing? Does it LOOK like it can fly?! And yet it does, just like it's namesake. It's combat capable enough for small fry but anything bigger and it's going to struggle or get turned into space dust. Courier missions and deliveries are going to have to cut it for now until I can get a better ship.

The first day on my own and I'm already loving it! The wide open expanse of space beckons to me and I happily obey, full throttle ahead. The mission giver, forgot his name, seems like a jerk to me. He obviously doesn't think I'll be worth anything but I'll show him! I've had to prove myself again and again while growing up so why not one more time?
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︎5 Shiny!
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