Logbook entry


12 Sep 2021-Knight-
Commander's Log...

Rule number one when traveling through space. Always, ALWAYS, equip a fuel scoop! It absolutely amazes me that I never ran out of fuel and got myself stranded without one. WHO designed stock space ships to never come with one? I'd like to know who was the so called creative genius who decided it was a good idea for any ship to be bought without a fuel scoop. I slapped a fuel scoop on my Sidewinder, Bumblebee, before embarking on my own adventures throughout the galaxy. Glad I did too because I have no intention of getting stranded. Once I had a decent amount of credits and enough experience, I decided to head out on my own. I grabbed a mission that would even give me enough money to buy a new ship. The pay was great! About 500,000 credits! I made it, accepted the money, and I'm never looking back.

Despite our differences, I pledged to my Grandmother and made Rhea my home system. That's because it is, having been born on Rhea 3. Family has got to stick together you know?


Commander's Log...

Screw you, Grandma. I see your beloved political career will always be put first before your own family. Why does she have to be practically married to her job that she can't see what is right in front of her? It's a wonder my Grandma ever found the time to get married and have kids. It's even more astounding that my Grandmother, the great Felicia Winters, is a major political player in the galaxy. It's obvious to everyone she wants to be the President over Hudson. But why can't she focus on her family for once? Why hasn't she even shed a single tear when her own daughter, my Mother, disappeared under mysterious circumstances? I asked her that right in her face and she didn't even flinch, just a cold emotionless blank look. That woman has ice water in her veins.

I left Rhea and got my permit to Sol, pledging to President Hudson instead even if I don't exactly agree with his ways of doing things. Not one word of protest from my Grandma, not even a message saying to come back. She never really cared for me anyway, I was just a thorn in her side. It's better this way anyway, I don't have to worry about family drama anymore.
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︎3 Shiny!
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