Logbook entry

Stolen Ship!

14 Sep 2021-Knight-
Commander's Log...

Say what you will about the Krait Mk II, I love it! Some say it's upside down, others say the Python looks better, but we all have our opinions don't we? There is one thing that this ship has that none of the others do. A coffee machine! That alone makes the Krait worth it. Even moderately engineered, my new ship runs like a dream! I can't wait to see what she can do when she's fully upgraded.

Hey, wait a minute! Is that...THAT'S MY SHIP!

COME BACK HERE! Someone stop that ship, that's MY ship! Ohh no!

Son-of-a...HOW DOES THIS KIND OF THING HAPPEN?! Was security sleeping or something?! I'm filing a report! Ohhh, someone is going to pay!

Sometime Later...

Commander's Log...

My jaw drops as I see my old Krait Mark II sitting at Crippen Port in the Haithis system. Different paint job and it's engineered modifications have been stripped away but someone did a poor job painting over the ship's name that I gave it. Excalibur. What in Rhea's name is my stolen ship doing here of all places?! Speaking of which, I never did find out who stole it or why. Time to visit the ship dealer.

Much to my chagrin, the ship dealer didn't buy my story even though I pointed out the name I gave it was still visible. I even resorted to telling him all about my ship to no avail. He insisted I pay the full value of my ship! MY SHIP!!! The audacity! Good thing for him I had more than enough so I bought my ship back. Now to restore it to it's former glory...and beyond.
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︎7 Shiny!
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