Logbook entry

Finding the Truth - Part 2

20 Sep 2021-Knight-
Commander's Log...

A day and a half later, I finally arrive at my targeted destination far outside the bubble. It's lonely out here. I didn't find my parents, but I kept my expectations low so I'm not disappointed. There are some logs I found in some abandoned settlements, but it's odd that they were just left here to rot. There is obviously some sort of paranoid delusions going on here since the log mentions something about the stars following his ship, witch-space and something about a haunting. The most interesting thing, however, was the mention of something that ripped his ship out of hyperspace. He didn't mention what it was, but I don't need to guess. It was a Thargoid since they are the only ones capable of doing that, so I hear. But what would Thardoids be doing all the way out here? I haven't seen anything nor do I feel like I'm being followed.

Scratch that, I'm not alone out here after all. The other Commanders left me alone and I did the same as I searched other sites for my missing parents but there was nothing. Just some logs with mysterious cargo deliveries and the unfortunate demise of a ship caused by a neutron star. Strange thing is, there is no such star in this system.

Well, back to the bubble for me. I've got to prepare for the next part of my expedition.
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