Logbook entry


26 Sep 2021-Knight-
Commander's Log...

I came out here to find my parents who were said to have disappeared out here in one of three possible locations. Instead, I find some kind of conspiracy that goes beyond any of the factions that have made their home in space. Numerous logs state their jobs were to find Earth-like planets as some kind of contingency plan. A plan for what? What in Rhea's name is going on here?! And did someone tip me off in the hopes I'd find these logs? Why?

Piecing everything together with the other logs I have found, there was most definitely an attempt to find habitable worlds. But why keep it a secret? Some of those men and women never came home, either falling into neutron stars or the crew going mad before blowing the ship up. Whatever the reason, it's got some of the higher-ups scared enough to try and find Earth-like planets and cover it all up. From what I can gather, something bad, very bad, is coming. And it's got those in the know scrambling to save their own butts. But what could that bad thing be? The so-called far god? Can't be the Thargoids.

Perhaps, maybe, it involves Raxxla. Didn't some Lizard race hide it? Oh my goodness, I just had a chilling thought! What if it IS them?! I mean, think about it. Raxxla is believed to have a gate on the surface of the planet itself that leads to another galaxy. What if some kind of invasion is planned and the higher-ups somehow found out about it? But how would they know...unless...THEY FOUND RAXXLA! They know where it is! If it is a gate and I'm right, it's no wonder they don't want anyone to find out the truth! It would be utter chaos and panic in the bubble with everyone in a mad rush to save their own skins by taking their ships out in the black in the hopes of surviving whatever it is that is coming. That would be the end of civilization in space as we know it!

Oh, I hope I'm wrong. But if I'm right, I've got to keep this to myself and not tell a single living soul. I cannot chance anyone finding out about this because then...then...I'd disappear. Is this what happened to my parents? Did they find out only for some government spooks to cause them to vanish? The mere thought puts shivers down my spine.

I'm tempted to go on board this derelict, but why? All I'll find is a haunted ship filled with the frozen bodies of those who died. I'll leave them in peace because I've got to get out of here! I've got to delete this log and my prior ones too. I can't take the chance that someone might discover them back home.

*Deletes Logs*
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