Logbook entry


27 Sep 2021-Knight-
Commander's Log...

My ship picked up a distress signal in this system I just jumped in. It's so garbled I can't tell what is being said, but it sounds urgent. Maybe it's too old or I need to get closer. It's coming from a world that is a candidate for terraforming. Heading there now.

*Pauses Recording before resuming sometime later*

Oh my goodness, I just talked to my parents! THEIR ALIVE! I can't believe it, I found them! As my ship gets closer to the planet they crashed landed on, the distress signal gets stronger and I was able to pick up their transmission and respond to them! I told them the planet is pretty far out so it'll take several minutes to get there and I asked them why they went there. They said they were trying to evade pursuit from something but the transmission cut out before I could hear who was chasing them.

When my parents came back, I asked why they didn't just high wake out of the system and they said they couldn't because their ship's FSD had been taken out which forced them to flee further into the system. I said it was so good to hear their voices and that they couldn't believe I had grown up so much since they last saw me. I told them that I was coming up on the planet now and said I loved them and they said the same before the transmission cut out again.

I admit, I was a nervous wreck when I directed my ship down into the planet's atmosphere. I couldn't believe I had found them after so long of not knowing what had happened to them. So much went unsaid, so many unanswered questions but there really wasn't time to ask them.

Once my ship landed by my parent's Anaconda, I suddenly had a bad feeling. It WAS their Anaconda, that wasn't the issue. Something was off and I couldn't put my finger on why. All attempts to try and get my parents back on the communications channel failed so I decided to disembark and head on over. I was in for the surprise of my life when I entered the ship. I found my parents on the bridge and to my utter horror, they were both dead! Skeletons! Then...WHO was I talking to just minutes earlier?! Had I been talking to Ghosts this entire time?!

It didn't matter because I had lost them all over again. I didn't have the will to listen to their logs but I had to. Apparently, they had found out exactly what I did about that derelict I had found. And someone pursued them, killing them for it. But the logs don't mention who, just that someone did it in some mysterious ship of unknown design and nothing anyone has ever seen before. Then I got chills as I listened to the last log and my parents mentioned me! That I was coming to save them! HOW is that possible?! They obviously died YEARS before I got here! Did I...somehow...talk to my parents as they were in the past before they died? None of this makes sense.

Wait...what is that on the horizon? Oh CRAP! I better go!
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︎6 Shiny!
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